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Introducing the New HKCERT “All-Out Anti-Phishing” Thematic Page

Noticing that hackers are deploying phishing through various means, including email, social media and SMS, phishing attacks have become an increasingly threatening major cyber security threat in Hong Kong. Such phishing scams have posed a great impact to our society that individual victims could suffer from...
Release Date: 16 Aug 2023 8994 Views

Web 3.0 Cyber Security New Horizons: Strategies and Practices for Addressing Digital Age Challenges

Web 3. is considered the next generation of Internet technology, with its technology aimed at achieving a higher level of intelligence, automation, and personalisation. The online world has already seen the emergence of Web 3. products, and future technology will rapidly develop around...
Release Date: 3 Jul 2023 9002 Views

IoT Security in the Digital Age: Protecting Your Connected World

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to an interconnected system that includes physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, allowing them to collect and exchange data. The goal of IoT is to create a...
Release Date: 2 Jun 2023 8412 Views

Unmasking Cybercrime-as-a-Service: The Dark Side of Digital Convenience

In today's digital age, we have come to rely on the Internet to provide us with unparalleled convenience, access to a wealth of information, and endless services at our fingertips. Unfortunately, not everyone uses the Internet for good and some even sell cybercriminal...
Release Date: 15 May 2023 13579 Views

Do you know what is Identity/Credential Theft?

Cyber theft of identity and credentials is not a new phenomenon. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated people’s growing reliance on online services for work and personal tasks, creating more opportunities for cyber criminals to steal our personal information for their own gains...
Release Date: 27 Mar 2023 6223 Views

HKCERT Security Tips: Beware of Fake ChatGPT Apps and Phishing Websites

The artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, which gained 100 million users worldwide within just two months of its launch in November 2022, has recently introduced a paid subscription service called ChatGPT Plus. Unfortunately, this has provided an opportunity for hackers to exploit this new measure by...
Release Date: 28 Feb 2023 6075 Views

Verify from Various Sources to Ensure Security When Searching for Answers with AI

Recently, the artificial intelligence (AI) ChatBot, ChatGPT, has taken the Internet by storm. It is reported that the tool already has 100 million users. Most users say that compared with traditional search engines which only rely on input queries to provide websites of...
Release Date: 20 Feb 2023 5581 Views

How to Mitigate New Cyber Security Risks Arising from the Growing Use of Technology in Industrial Operations

In recent years, more enterprises and public utilities are leveraging 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to connect their industrial operation technology (OT) systems to the information technology (IT) systems or the Internet. This enables the operation data of factory machines...
Release Date: 6 Feb 2023 4662 Views

Upgrade Your End-of-Support Microsoft Products as Soon as Possible

If your refrigerator supplier stops providing maintenance services, will you “ignore it” and let the refrigerator’s fresh-keeping and refrigeration functions gradually disappear to become a hotbed for gems? Likewise, the security risks you face will only increase if you stick to...
Release Date: 19 Jan 2023 5590 Views

Analysing AgentTesla Spyware

According to Israeli cyber security solution provider Check Point’s “Global Threat Impact Index” monthly report published in early November[1], it was reported that AgentTesla continued to be one of the “Most Wanted Malwares”  in the world, affecting over 7% ...
Release Date: 29 Dec 2022 6276 Views