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HKCERT Security Newsletter (November 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | Nov 2022     Cover Story   [FB Post]【Carousell外洩資料暗網出售 用戶緊記提防釣魚攻擊】     [LinkedIn Post]【Beware of phishing attacks with dark web sale of Carousell’s leaked data】     Hot Topic   [FB Post]【國際連鎖酒店...
Release Date: 1 Nov 2022 597 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (October 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | Oct 2022   🔥🔥 Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2022 🔥🔥   What is Capture the Flag (CTF)? CTF is a competition which challenges the participants to solve different tasks related to cyber security, e.g. Web security, cryptography, forensic, reverse engineering, binary analysis and others What is the benefit of playing CTF?   Build engagement for cyber security Sharpen the cyber security skill or learn new stills in gamified scenario. Skills such as web security, cryptography, forensic, binary analysis, reverse engineering, etc. Super funny game if you like taking on challenges Win prizes! What is “Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2022”? To be held in 11-13 November 2022 and organised by HKCERT and HKPC, together with other 6 education and security organisations. The CTF Challenge aims to arouse the cyber security awareness of the public , cultivate problem-solving skills and teamwork and encourage creative thinking via a bunch of FUN GAMES. Last year we had more than 900 participants competed together !!!   Who can participate in the CTF Challenge? Anyone who is interested in cyber security or information technology. How to register and when is the deadline? Online registration link can be found at The deadline is 31 Oct 2022. Two online workshops will be held on 8 Oct and 15 Oct. Register NOW to learn how to play! Learn more     Cover Story   [Blog] Browser’s Anti-phishing feature: What is it and how it helps to block phishing attack?     [FB Post]【瀏覽器的反釣魚網站功能如何幫助阻擋釣魚攻擊】     [LinkedIn Post]【Browser’s Anti-phishing feature: What is it and how it helps to block phishing attack?】     Hot Topic   [FB...
Release Date: 3 Oct 2022 700 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (September 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | Sep 2022   🔥🔥 Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2022 🔥🔥   What is Capture the Flag (CTF)? CTF is a competition which challenges the participants to solve different tasks related to cyber security, e.g. Web security, cryptography, forensic, reverse engineering, binary analysis and others What is the benefit of playing CTF?   Build engagement for cyber security Sharpen the cyber security skill or learn new stills in gamified scenario. Skills such as web security, cryptography, forensic, binary analysis, reverse engineering, etc. Super funny game if you like taking on challenges Win prizes! What is “Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2022”? To be held in 11-13 November 2022 and organised by HKCERT and HKPC, together with other 6 education and security organisations. The CTF Challenge aims to arouse the cyber security awareness of the public , cultivate problem-solving skills and teamwork and encourage creative thinking via a bunch of FUN GAMES. Last year we had more than 900 participants competed together !!!   Who can participate in the CTF Challenge? Anyone who is interested in cyber security or information technology. How to register and when is the deadline? Online registration link can be found at The deadline is 31 Oct 2022. Learn more     Cover Story   [Guideline] Incident Response Guideline for SMEs     [FB Post]【中小企保安事故應變指南】     [LinkedIn Post]【Incident Response Guideline for SMEs】     Hot Topic   [Blog] Adopt Good Cyber Security Practices to Make AI Your Friends not Foes     [FB Post]【人工智能與網絡...
Release Date: 1 Sep 2022 617 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (August 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | Aug 2022     Cover Story   Incident Response Guideline for SMEs     Hot topics   [Blog] HKCERT and Cybersec Infohub Fully Support Open Threat Intelligence Campaign     [FB Post]【HKCERT及Cybersec Infohub全力推動「開放網絡威脅情報計劃」】     [LinkedIn Post]【HKCERT and Cybersec Infohub Fully Support Open Threat Intelligence Campaign】     [FB Post]【妥善保護個人資料 慎防釣魚攻擊...
Release Date: 1 Aug 2022 573 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (July 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | July 2022     Cover Story   [Blog] Information Security Utopia Starts with Zero Trust Architecture     [FB Post]【資訊保安烏托邦由「零信任」架構開始】     [LinkedIn Post]【Information Security Utopia Starts with Zero Trust Architecture】     Hot topics   [Blog] An Analysis of Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool Vulnerability-Led QBot Phishing Email Attack...
Release Date: 4 Jul 2022 636 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (June 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | June 2022     Cover Story   [FB Post]【備份加密貨幣錢包都唔啱?】     [LinkedIn Post] 【Is it wrong to back up crypto wallets? 】     Hot topics   [Guideline] Cloud Storage Security     [Guideline] Data Protection Guideline     [FB Post]【VMWare漏洞概念驗證...
Release Date: 1 Jun 2022 870 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (May 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | May 2022     Cover Story   [Blog] Please sign them. Smart contracts?     [LinkedIn Post] 【Please sign them. Smart contracts?】     [FB Post]【簽吧。智能合約?】     Hot topics   The “Hong Kong Security Watch Report” 2022 Q1 is now available     2022年第一季度《香港保安觀察報告》出爐     [LinkedIn Post] 【Build a...
Release Date: 3 May 2022 808 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (April 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | April 2022     Cover Story   [Blog] What You Know about the Cyber Security of NFT     [LinkedIn Post] 【What You Know about the Cyber Security of NFT】     [FB Post]【NFT網絡攻擊與保安知多少】     Hot topics   [LinkedIn Post]【Browser In the Browser Phishing Attack to Police Website】     [FB Post]【Google Chrome和Microsoft Edge用戶儘快更新瀏覽器】     [LinkedIn Post]【Google Chrome...
Release Date: 1 Apr 2022 741 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (March 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | March 2022     Cover Story   [Press Release] Cyber Attacks Become More Complex and Diversified Phishing Attacks Reach New High HKCERT Calls on Public to Raise Awareness of Information Security     [FB Post]【2022年資訊保安預測出爐喇!】     [LinkedIn Post]【Information Security Forecast for 2022 is Out!】     Hot topics   [HKSWR] Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q4 2021)     [FB Post]【提防偽冒升級Windows 11 網站】     [...
Release Date: 1 Mar 2022 667 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (February 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | February 2022     Cover Story   [Blog] Introduction of QR code attacks and countermeasures     [FB Post]【認識QR code潛在攻擊及對應手法】     [LinkedIn Post]【Introduction of QR code attacks and countermeasures】     [Blog] Secure Use of QR Code     [FB Post]【安全使用QR code】     [LinkedIn Post]【Secure Use of QR Code】     Hot topics   [Blog] NFT Boom, How to Protect Your NFT Assets     [FB Post]【NFT熱潮下,如何保護自...
Release Date: 4 Feb 2022 731 Views