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HKCERT Security Newsletter (September 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | September 2023     Cover Story   Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q2 2023)     Hot Topic   [Press Centre] APCERT Cyber Drill 2023 “Digital Supply Chain Redemption”     [Blog] Comprehensive Guide to Social Media Scams: Setting up Defense to Safeguard Your Personal Information     [FB Post] 【社交媒體防詐騙全攻略:設定防禦,守護個人資訊】     [LinkedIn Post] 【Comprehensive Guide to Social Media Scams: Setting up Defense to Safeguard Your Personal Information】     [Blog] Introducing the New HKCERT “...
Release Date: 4 Sep 2023 954 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (August 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | August 2023     Cover Story   [Blog] Web 3.0 Cyber Security New Horizons: Strategies and Practices for Addressing Digital Age Challenges     [FB Post]【Web 3.0 網絡保安新視野:應對數碼時代挑戰的策略與實踐】     [LinkedIn Post]【Web 3. Cyber Security New Horizons: Strategies and Practices for Addressing Digital Age Challenges】     Hot Topic   [Security Leaflet] ...
Release Date: 1 Aug 2023 655 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (July 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | July 2023     Cover Story   [FB Post]【 「網絡釣魚 全城防禦」 流動宣傳車活動即將啟動】     [LinkedIn Post]【 The “All Out Anti-Phishing” Moving Showroom】     [Blog] IoT Security in the Digital Age: Protecting Your Connected World     [...
Release Date: 3 Jul 2023 490 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (June 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | June 2023     Cover Story   Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q1 2023)     [FB Post] HKCERT “Hong Kong Security Watch Report” Q1 2023 is Now Available     [LinkedIn Post] HKCERT “Hong Kong Security Watch Report” Q1 2023 is Now Available     Hot Topic   [Blog] Unmasking Cybercrime-as-a-Service: The Dark Side of Digital Convenience     [FB Post]【揭開網絡犯罪服務的神秘面紗:數碼便利的陰暗面】     [LinkedIn Post]【Unmasking Cybercrime-as-a-Service The Dark Side of Digital Convenience】     Apple Products Multiple Vulnerabilities     [FB Post]「...
Release Date: 1 Jun 2023 494 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (May 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | May 2023       In order to improve and enhance Project e-GUARD, we invite you to share your feedback by completing the survey via the provided link.   Plases click Here for more information about Project e-GUARD.     Cover Story   [FB Post] Hackers can breach networks using data on resold corporate routers     [LinkedIn Post] Hackers can breach networks using data on resold corporate routers     [Security Bulletin] TP-Link Router Remote Code Execution Vulnerability     Hot Topic   [FB Post] Google Releases Urgent Chrome Update to Fix Actively Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability     [LinkedIn Post] Google Releases Urgent Chrome Update to Fix Actively Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability     [FB Post] 【儘快更新蘋果產品軟件,防止最近針對系統漏洞嘅網絡攻擊】     [LinkedIn Post] 【Update Your Apple Products to Prevent Cyber Attacks Exploiting Recent Apple Systems’ Vulnerabilities】     Upcoming Event   Build...
Release Date: 2 May 2023 524 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (April 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | April 2023     Cover Story   [Blog] Do you know what is Identity/Credential Theft?     [FB Post] 你知道什麼是身份/憑證盜用嗎?     [LinkedIn Post] Do you know what is Identity/Credential Theft?     Hot Topic   [FB Post]【釣魚攻擊最新動向 — 電話卡實名登...
Release Date: 3 Apr 2023 466 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (March 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | March 2023     Cover Story   [Blog] Verify from Various Sources to Ensure Security When Searching for Answers with AI     [Blog] HKCERT Security Tips: Beware of Fake ChatGPT Apps and Phishing Websites     [Blog] How to Mitigate New Cyber Security Risks Arising from the Growing Use of Technology in Industrial Operations     [FB Post]【如何減低工業系統聯網化所帶來的新網絡保安風險】     [LinkedIn Post]【How to Mitigate New Cyber Security Risks Arising from the Growing Use of Technology in Industrial Operations 】     Hot Topic   [Press] ...
Release Date: 1 Mar 2023 556 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (February 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | February 2023     Cover Story   [Blog] Upgrade Your End-of-Support Microsoft Products as Soon as Possible     Hot Topic   [FB Post]【HKCERT保安貼紙迎新歲 祝您兔年百毒不侵!】     [LinkedIn Post]【Get Your HKCERT’s WhatsApp Stickers Now and Stay Cyber Safe in Year of Rabbit】     [FB Post]【重溫ViuTV《呢期中D乜》,辨...
Release Date: 1 Feb 2023 592 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (January 2023 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | January 2023     Cover Story   [Blog] Analysing AgentTesla Spyware     [Blog] Beware of Phishing Campaigns During Festive Season     Hot Topic   [FB Post]【分析間諜軟件 AgentTesla】     [LinkedIn Post]【Analysing AgentTesla Spyware】     [FB Post]【提防節日期間網絡釣魚攻擊】     [LinkedIn Post]【Beware of Phishing Campaigns During Festive Season】     “Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture...
Release Date: 3 Jan 2023 678 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (December 2022 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | December 2022   Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture-The-Flag Challenge 2022 Webinar and Award Presentation Ceremony   Continuous innovation in Internet technology development and applications has enhanced quality of life and work efficiency but has also created various new cyber security challenges. It only serves to fuel the demand for cyber security professionals. To address the challenges, the training of local cyber security talents is indispensable. In light of this, the HKCERT and HKPC jointly hosted the Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2022” (CTF) in November 2022 to strengthen the cyber security skills and awareness of the industry and students and encourage problem solving through teamwork, creative thinking and cyber security skills. The award presentation ceremony will be held on 19 December, 2022. Apart from presenting the awards to the winners, cyber security experts will also be on hand to share their views on cyber security, and how to leverage vulnerability management solutions to improve security and security risk management. Besides, there will be a panel discussion on how the new generation can join the trade. Who can participate in this event? Owner and IT professionals of SMEs, education sector and general public. Or anyone who is interested in cyber security or information technology. How to register and when is the deadline? Please click the below button for more details and registration. The deadline is 16 Dec 2022. Learn more     Cover Story   [Blog] Always Keep System Security Up-to-Date to Prevent Customer Data from Becoming Phishing Feeds     [FB Post] 企業要時刻做好系統保安更新 免讓客戶資料成網絡釣魚材料     [LinkedIn Post] Always Keep System Security Up-to-Date to Prevent Customer Data from Becoming Phishing Feeds     Hot...
Release Date: 1 Dec 2022 662 Views