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HKCERT Security Newsletter (October 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | October 2024   📢HKCERT Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge 2024   🚩What is "HKCERT Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge 2024"? The 5th “HKCERT Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenge 2024” is one of the largest cybersecurity competitions in Hong Kong, aimed at arousing Hong Kong citizen’s cyber security awareness, enhancing participants' cyber attack and defense capabilities, so as to satisfy the industry's technical talents demand. For more details, please visit the CTF 2024 website. 🏆What are the benefits of participating in CTF 2024? 🏢 For organizations, companies, or enterprises:  Employees will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of cybersecurity and enhance their security awareness and prevention capabilities.  Participating in such large-scale competitions can enhance the visibility of the organization, and gain reputation in the field of cyber security.  🙋 For individuals:  Practical Cybersecurity Experience: Participants engage in a real-world network attack and defense environment, and will be divided into red teams and blue teams, to experience firsthand how to identify and exploit security vulnerabilities.   Professional Skills Enhancement: The competition covers skills in web security, cryptography, forensics, and reverse engineering, etc., and offers multiple workshops with professional guidance and cutting-edge cybersecurity knowledge.  Professional Resume Advancement: Each participant will receive an e-certificate to showcase their interest and skills in cybersecurity to enhance their professional resume.  Prizes and Industry Recognition: Prizes up to HK$15,000; Winning Gold, Silver and Bronze awards will not only be recognized by the industry, but will also be beneficial to future career development. Networking Opportunities: The competition attracts professionals and tech enthusiasts from different countries. Participants could connect with industry experts and like-minded people, and also broaden international horizons.     For industry professionals, you can learn new techniques in a gamified environment, and practice vulnerability identification knowledge. You can also connect with ethical hacker communities worldwide, delving deeper into cybersecurity to become experts.   🙇Who can participate in the CTF Challenge? No Qualification Restrictions: The competition is open to all local and international participants who are interested in cybersecurity or IT technology.  ⏰How to register and when is the deadline? Registration Deadline: November 4, 2024. Visit this link to register now! FREE REGISTRATION FEE! Join CTF 2024 to sharpen your cybersecurity skills and gear up for tomorrow's tech challenges!   Learn more     Cover Story   [Security Blog] IoT Security Guideline for Digital Signage     [FB Post] 物聯網數碼顯示屏保安指南     [Linkedin Post] IoT Security Guideline for Digital Signage     Hot Topic   [Press Centre] 2024 Cybersecurity Week Fun Day: An Innovative Approach to Promoting Cybersecurity     [Press Centre]“Together, We Create...
Release Date: 2 Oct 2024 337 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (September 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | September 2024     Cover Story   [Security Blog] Ransomware's New Front: Uncovering the Latest Threats Facing Hong Kong     [FB Post]【勒索軟件的新陣線 揭露香港面臨的最新威脅】     [LinkedIn Post]【Ransomware's New Front: Uncovering the Latest Threats Facing Hong Kong】     Hot Topic   [Security Blog] Next-Level Phishing: The...
Release Date: 2 Sep 2024 1149 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (August 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | August 2024     Cover Story   [Security Blog] CyberSecurity Tips for Travelling     [FB Post]【旅行網絡安全小貼士】     [LinkedIn Post]【CyberSecurity Tips for Travelling】     Hot Topic   [Security Blog] Weaponisation of AI: The New Frontier in Cybersecurity     [FB Post]【人工智能武器化:網絡安全...
Release Date: 1 Aug 2024 1718 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (July 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | July 2024     Cover Story   HKCERT Rebrands for a New Paradigm of Cyber Security with AI-Driven Cyber Threat Alerts Strengthens International Collaboration for Cyber Attacks     [FB Post] 【請即下載「防騙視伏APP」】     Hot Topic   [Security Bulletin] Microsoft Monthly Security Update (June 2024)     [Security Bulletin] Adobe Monthly Security Update (June 2024)     [Security Bulletin] ChromeOS Multiple Vulnerabilities     [Security Bulletin] PHP Multiple Vulnerabilities     Upcoming Event   To withdraw subscription, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.           免責聲明 | Disclaimer      私隱條款 | Privacy Policy              #outlook a{padding:}body{width:100% !important} .ReadMsgBody{width:100%} .ExternalClass{width:...
Release Date: 2 Jul 2024 2272 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (June 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | June 2024     Cover Story   [Security Watch Report] Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q1 2024)     Hot Topic   [FB Post]【香港電腦保安事故協調中心與澳洲AusCERT簽署合作備忘錄】     [Security Bulletin] Microsoft Monthly Security Update (May 2024)     [Security Bulletin] Adobe Monthly Security Update (May 2024)     [Security Bulletin] ...
Release Date: 3 Jun 2024 2769 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (May 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | May 2024     Cover Story   [Security Bulletin] Palo Alto Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability     [Security Bulletin] Oracle Products Multiple Vulnerabilities     [Security Bulletin] Microsoft Monthly Security Update (April 2024)     [Security Bulletin] Adobe Monthly Security Update (April 2024)     Hot Topic   HKCERT Annual Report 2023     [Security Leaflet] Security Tips for Using QR Codes     [FB Post]【全民國家安全教育日:網絡安全 🔍🚨Deepfake和網絡釣魚 - 「耳聽三分假,眼看未為真」】     [FB Post]【全民國家安全教育日:網絡...
Release Date: 2 May 2024 2687 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (April 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | April 2024       The Tram Body Design Contest - “Together, We Create a Safe Cyberworld” (“the Contest”) is jointly organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Hong Kong Police Force and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre.  The Contest aims to arouse public awareness of cybersecurity, so as to prevent them from falling into online traps, and strengthen city-wide defence against cyberattacks.  The winning entry may be adopted as the promotional advertisement displaying on trams.   Welcome to join the event with details as follows: -------------------------------------------- 📆Date:8 Feb 2024 - 31 May 2024 💰Charge: Free 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Target Audience: Open Category: All Hong Kong residents Secondary School Category: All secondary school students in Hong Kong Primary School Category: All primary school students in Hong Kong Learn more     Cover Story   [Security Blog] Deepfake: Where Images Don't Always Speak Truth     [FB Post]【深度偽造:有圖未必有真相】     [LinkedIn Post]【Deepfake: Where Images Don't Always Speak Truth】     Hot Topic   [Security Blog] How To Protect Your Data in Quantum Age     [FB Post] 【如何在量...
Release Date: 2 Apr 2024 2754 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (March 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | March 2024       The Tram Body Design Contest - “Together, We Create a Safe Cyberworld” (“the Contest”) is jointly organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Hong Kong Police Force and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre.  The Contest aims to arouse public awareness of cybersecurity, so as to prevent them from falling into online traps, and strengthen city-wide defence against cyberattacks.  The winning entry may be adopted as the promotional advertisement displaying on trams.   Welcome to join the event with details as follows: -------------------------------------------- 📆Date:8 Feb 2024 - 15 Apr 2024 💰Charge: Free 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Target Audience: Open Category: All Hong Kong residents Secondary School Category: All secondary school students in Hong Kong Primary School Category: All primary school students in Hong Kong Learn more     Cover Story   [Press Center] HKCERT Releases Annual Information Security Outlook and Forecast Next Level Phishing Attacks Difficult to Distinguish Hackers Exploit AI for Crimes Could Become a New Normal     [FB Post]【HKCERT 2023年度總結及2024五大風險預測】     [LinkedIn Post]【HKCERT 2023 Annual Summary and 2024 Risks Forecast】     Hot Topic   Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q4 2023)     [Security Bulletin] Microsoft Monthly Security Update (February 2024)     [Security...
Release Date: 1 Mar 2024 2618 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (February 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | February 2024     Cover Story   [FB Post] 【✨噹噹噹~ HKCERT農曆新年貼圖龍重登場! 🐉】     [FB Post] 【「網絡釣魚 全城防禦」流動宣傳車活動圓滿結束】     Hot Topic   [FB Post] 【精彩回...
Release Date: 1 Feb 2024 2354 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (January 2024 Issue)

    HKCERT Security Newsletter | January 2024     Cover Story   [Security Blog] Taking Security Best Practice During Festive Season     [FB Post] 【在節慶期間採取網絡保安最佳實踐】     [LinkedIn Post] 【Taking Security Best Practice During Festive Season】     Hot Topic   [LinkedIn Post] 【Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2023 Seminar & Award Presentation Ceremony...
Release Date: 2 Jan 2024 2479 Views